Learn to Bird Fall 2023

By Birding with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service (other events)

Fri, Nov 3 2023 1:00 PM EST Sun, Nov 5 2023 3:00 PM EST

Calling all beginner birders....take your birding to a new level!

This program features focused birding trips lead by experienced guide, Barbara Pankratz, and educational presentations by AgriLife faculty, researchers, and other birding experts. Learn to Bird is hosted in Real County (Leakey, Texas), home to a wide variety of birds!
Dates: November 3-5, 2023

*A minimum of 10 participants is required to host Learn to Bird. Learn to Bird is capped at 13 participants.

*Program is eligible for AT hours for Master Naturalists.

Lodging: Participants are encouraged to utilize lodging provided at River Haven through Birding with Extension. Participants will be provided a separate room with a double bed in a 2-bed, 1 bath cabin, and will share the bathroom, kitchen, and lounge areas with another participant. Options for lodging and information regarding registration is below:

1) I am attending with my partner/spouse: During the registration process please select "Double Registration - Attending with Partner/Spouse". Participants will receive a reduce registration rate for sharing a room/bed. 

2) I am attending with a friend: During the registration process select "Single Registration" and indicate your preferred roommate. Each participant will register separately and list each other as roommates. 

3) I am attending by myself: During registration select "Single Registration". You will be assigned a separate room in a cabin, and will share the cabin's main areas and bathroom with either someone of the same gender or a couple sharing the other room.